Wild Columbine / Aquilegia canadensis
The nursery is open Fridays and Saturdays, from 9am to 5pm during the growing season (starting last week of April), or by appointment.
For the 2023 season we carry native wildflowers and shrubs for a wide range of site conditions, including plants for wetlands, average and dry locations, sunny gardens and meadows to shady woodlands. The focus is on plants that have high ecological value, providing nectar and pollen for pollinators, food for caterpillars, berries for birds, and other benefits for wildlife.
My customers come from various New England locations, and the meaning of ‘native’ can vary! For my nursery, I define ‘native’ as occurring naturally in New England or bordering regions. Often my signage will provide added information on the native range. A few plants are included that are not native to the North-east, but worthy of consideration for pollinator or wildlife gardens.
My plants are grown pesticide-free and are for the most part seed propagated, either from seed collected in the wild, collected from my own plant stock, or purchased locally. Some of the seeds originate from non-local seed sources.
Plants available for the 2023 season:
Classic native Wildflowers: Wild Columbine / Aquilegia canadensis, Swamp Milkweed / Asclepias incarnata, Oswego Tea / Monarda fistulosa, Nodding Onion / Allium cernuum, Broad-leaf Mountain-Mint / Pycnanthemum muticum, Virginia Mountain-Mint / Pycnanthemum virginicum, Foxglove Beardtongue / Penstemon hirsutus, Tall Agastache / A. scrophularifolia, Blue Agastache / A. foeniculum, Thin-leaved Sunflower / Helianthus decapetalus, Goat’s Beard / Aruncus dioicus, Tall Thistle / cirsium altissimum, Field Thistle / Cirsium discolor, Jacob’s Ladder / Polemonium repens, Foamflower / Tiarella cordifolia and others
Asters and Goldenrods: Tall White Aster / Doellingeria umbellata, Smooth Blue Aster / Symph. laeve / Symph. oblongifolium ‘October Skies’, Awl Aster / Symph. pilosum, Heart-leaved Aster / Symph. cordifolium, Seasisde Goldenrod / Solidago sempervirens, Showy goldenrod / Solidago speciosa, Fragrant goldenrod / Solidago odora, and others becoming available througout the season
Wetland Plants: Boneset / Eupatorium perfoliatum, White Turtlehead / Chelone glabra, Joe-Pye Weed /Eutrochium, American Burnet / Sanguisorba canadensis, Blue-flag Iris / Iris versicolor, Tall Meadow-Rue / Thalictrum pubescens, Great Blue Lobelia / Lobelia siphilitica, Blue Vervain / Verbena hastata, Swamp Rose-Mellow / Hibiscus moscheutos, Closed Gentian / Gentiana clausa,
Groundcover plants: Golden Groundsel / Packera aurea, Common Strawberry / Fragaria virginiana, Canada Windflower / Anemone canadensis, Pussy-toes / Antennaria, Cranberry / Vaccinium macrocarpon,
Plants that are native further south, and attractive garden cultivars of native North-American species: Tall Larkspur / Delphinium exaltatum, Coneflowers: Echinacea pallida / purpurea / paradoxa, Woodland Phlox ‘Jeana’ / / Aromatic Aster ‘October Skies’, Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’, Royal Catchfly / Silene regia, Culver’s Root / Veronicastrum virginicum, Eastern Bee-Balm / Monarda bradburiana
Grasses: Switchgrasses / Panicum virgatum ‘Rotstrahlbush’ and ‘Heavy Metal’, Woodland Sedge / Carex Pennsylvanica,
Ferns: Lady Fern ‘Lady in Red’ / Athyrium felix-femina ‘Lady in Red’, Male Fern / Dryopteris felix-mas,
Shrubs and trees in small container sizes: Black Chokeberry /Aronia melanocarpa, Buttonbush / Cephalanthus occidentalis, Red-Osier Dogwood / Cornus sericea, Meadowsweet / Spirea alba, Shrubby St. John’s Wort / Hypericum kalmianum, Lowbush Blueberry / Vaccinium angustifolium, incl. cultivars ‘Burgundy’ and ‘Michigan’, Highbush Blueberry / Vaccinium corymbosum, incl. cultivars ‘Meader’, ‘Patriot’ and ‘Sunrise’, Silky Willow / Salix sericea, Sweetfern / Comptonia peregrina, Fragrant Sumac / Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’, Pagoda dogwood / Cornus alternifolia (syn. Swida), Gray dogwood / Cornus racemosa (syn. Swida), Pussy Willow / Salix discolor, Ninebark / Physocarpus opulifolius, American Hazelnut / Corylus americana, Red Pine / Pinus resionsa, Balsam Fir / Abies balsamea
Climbers: Virgin’s Bower / Clematis virginiana, Trumpet-Honeysuckle / Lonicera sempervirens, Virginia Creeper / Parthenocissus quinquefolia